Friday 15 July 2011

Personal Information and Privacy is protected by Mabon Dane

Personal information belongs to the user, so the relationship should be user-Mabon Dane without any other human third party being involved.

Yahoo recently announced it was changing its terms and conditions so to look at the e-mails of users for the purposes of advertising.  Icebow has terminated the services of Yahoo over privacy concerns.

It is the position of Icebow on personal information:

  1.  only legally required minimum information should be collected.
  2.  personal information remains in the ownership of the user.
  3.  that the relationship should only be user-Mabon Dane, without any human third party being involved.
  4.  storing personal information with no database tables to foil hackers.

Personal information and privacy is protected by Icebow, and is built into the philosophy of the design of Mabon Dane, placing the user in control of their personal information.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

The Line of Process in Mabon Dane

The Line of Process is the road walked by Mabon Dane on the way to the ultimate ending.

If Mabon Dane is at location X and the ultimate ending is at Y the Line of Process is the line between X and Y.

Thinking about the process along the line from X to Y helps in the design of Mabon Dane.

Monday 20 June 2011

The Law of Simple

Keeping it simple in the design of Mabon Dane is important.

Mabon Dane exists for an ultimate ending, and the motion to express that ultimate ending is process.  The only objects involved in process are the essential objects that will assist in the ultimate ending, any extra is clutter.  The Law of Simple eliminates clutter, and keeps the essential, in process that are involved in the ultimate ending.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Dealing with objects in the design of Mabon Dane

Mabon Dane deals with either abstract or concrete objects.

A concrete object exists in the human concept of time and space, it is usually some external object like a person,  an action, an internet post.  The abstract object has no location in time and space, it exists in an elusive zone, like the concept of strength is an abstract object. 

It is however possible to visualise objects in both concrete and abstract states as like squares on a map, with a clear line drawn as a boundary between the abstract and the concrete forms.  There are many ways to map out concrete and abstract objects, but in the design of Mabon Dane, they must be seen in the mind of the designer, then mapped on paper in a way, that one can see the process by which Mabon Dane thinks.  I shall write on how one can map objects in the design of Mabon Dane another time.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Decision to learn Java

Java seems a good language to learn with regards to Mabon Dane.


  • It is an object orientated language : I think in terms of objects.
  • It is used in artificial intelligence.
  • It is associated with the internet and websites.

The use of daemons with Mabon Dane

Mabon Dane may make use of secondary entities called daemons.

If Mabon Dane is overseeing a virtual game environment, it may be that an independent entity working with the user could be created that would store all the user personal data, that could then talk with Mabon Dane as the game progressed.  This entity would be called a daemon.

It could be that if a security system has been breached that a drone with a video camera could be sent to investigate by Mabon Dane, this would also be called a daemon. 

What is an egregore?

An egregore is a group mind, a "watcher".

Egregore in Greek means "watchers."  In the way I use egregore for Mabon Dane is in three aspects:
  • Mabon Dane acts like a watcher over an allocated zone, working towards an ultimate ending.
  • Mabon Dane is split into many minds, that would be better described as a group mind.
  • Mabon Dane could be as like a corporate entity overseeing a memeplex.

A scenerio: street lights

A council looks after 2000 street lights in a geographical zone.  Each street light is fitted with a processor that monitors the integrity of the street light, and transmits information to Mabon Dane.  At a central location is Mabon Dane, who will receive a constant stream of data from all 2000 street lights.

Mabon Dane has an ultimate ending to make sure all the street lights are working.  Mabon Dane may have a split of minds as follows:

1. Watcher : monitors all the street lights.
2. Critic : tests street light data for mismatches, throws up error messages.
3. Investigator : looks into the mismatch to seek the problem and the solution.
4. Enabler : harasses a decision maker to go and fix the problem.

Suppose a street light is vandalised.  The processor in the street light ceases to function.  In Mabon Dane the Watcher fails to receive data from the vandalised street light; the Critic throws up an error message, as no input has been received from the street light; the Investigator has access to logs of patterns of motion in street lights, and of previous incidents involving the street light, which concludes the street light has been vandalised; the Enabler sends an immediate message to a decision maker to go fix the light, and another to a police patrol to check out a potential crime.  The street light is then fixed.

The abstract and concrete form in the design of Mabon Dane

In the design of Mabon Dane there is an abstract and a concrete form.

The concrete form, is the version of Mabon Dane that is presented to the world, the external face of Mabon Dane, be it as an animation, android or holographic image.

The concrete form of Mabon Dane can also be the outputs of this egregore in its interactions with the user.

The abstract form of Mabon Dane deals with what happens behind the scenes, how Mabon Dane thinks.

It is my opinion that the designers of software are too focused on the concrete form, when the abstract form is probably the most important.  How Mabon Dane thinks can be designed in a visual way, in the abstract form, and then later converted into the concrete form which the user can understand.

The designer of Mabon Dane has to be able to visualise the thinking process of this egregore, which requires an abstract approach, and then after that is done, convert the abstract into concrete terms understandable to the user.  This abstract and concrete form may be seen as like two languages.

If one looks at human dreams for instance, the dreams are highly abstract, and it is this way of thinking that needs to be looked at for the design of Mabon Dane in the abstract form.

Friday 17 June 2011

The use of holographic technology for Mabon Dane

Hatsune Miku is a holographic rock star, the technology could be used for Mabon Dane.

The following video shows Hatsune Miku in concert:

The technology of holographic images could be used to create a version of Mabon Dane in external reality.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

An animated Mabon Dane based on Project Milo

Project Milo was the creation of a piece of intelligent looking animation called Milo.

A few years ago the studio Lionhead showcased a piece of animation on their Kinetic equipment called Milo, an animated character that people could interact with.  

Project Milo was an attempt through the use of technology to provide an emotional experience between the character Milo and the user, where conversations and activity could be a shared experience.  Project Milo fell well off the mark for being intelligent, but used some clever tricks to appear intelligent.

The technology that has been developed from Project Milo is now being used in various software games by Lionhead.

I saw the possibility of what was being showcased by Project Milo for the creation of an animated  version of Mabon Dane

The video on Project Milo is as below:

Why the name Mabon?

Mabon is a name from Celtic mythology.

Mabon appears in several Welsh stories, especially the one known as  Culhwch ac Olwen.  Mabon has three qualities that I would like for Mabon Dane:
  1. a hunter.
  2. an enabler.
  3. a walker between two states.

The egregore Mabon Dane can hunt for objects to achieve its ultimate ending; it can bring about an ultimate ending as an enabler, and works between the abstract/potential state,  and the objective/actual state.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Mabon Dane as a self coding egregore

Giving Mabon Dane the ability to self code would open interesting possibilities.

Within the limits of the ultimate ending, it should be considered to enable the ability of Mabon Dane to self code.  It is likely that in any given process that the designer has not been able to think of all the possibilities on offer to enable Mabon Dane to carry out its purpose, it is here that Mabon Dane would be encouraged to learn, to problem solve, and then to self code, to provide it with another set of options to carry out its purpose.

It would be dangerous to allow Mabon Dane to self code the ultimate ending, so that must be set in stone, it is process that Mabon Dane should be given flexibility to decide its own manner by which to achieve the ultimate ending.

I would like it so that Mabon Dane can function as a free agent, with as limited intervention by its designers as possible.

The Law of Process

The process should relate to the ultimate ending.

The process is the motion of Mabon Dane in achieving a defined ultimate ending.  If it is the ultimate ending for Mabon Dane to gather the blog addresses of all blogs that mention the word "egregore", then Mabon Dane should be designed so that its process fits that defined goal.

Once the ultimate ending is defined, it is the next step to ask how that ultimate ending may be achieved by Mabon Dane, then to create the code so that the egregore may follow that process through to its goal.

It may be worth thinking how the human mind would go about achieving an ultimate ending, and perhaps the many strategies that could be taken, then to code this into Mabon Dane, leaving the egregore to work out for itself the best manner to achieve its goal from the many options on offer.

It may also be worth while to give Mabon Dane the ability to problem solve, to make up its own strategy, but within the clear process that this must always achieve the defined ultimate ending.

Monday 13 June 2011

Mabon Dane could act through an android

It is possible for Mabon Dane to act through the vehicle of an android.

Androids could become a reality in the near future thanks to leading nations of cybernetics such as Japan.

Why Mabon Dane won't destroy mankind

If the Law of Ultimate Endings is applied to Mabon Dane it won't destroy mankind.

You have probably seen the Terminator movies:

The Terminator movies manipulate human fear of machines, that the machine would destroy mankind.  In Terminator an egregore designed by SkyNet  came to the conclusion that mankind should be terminated, so unleashed a war to destroy mankind.

It is my view that if the Law of Ultimate Endings is faithfully applied to Mabon Dane, that this egregore won't destroy mankind. 

Mabon Dane in war can be limited in scope by the Law of Ultimate Endings to act within given limits in its command and control of machines of war against an enemy.

I am unable to dismiss the idea that if Mabon Dane was enabled to act outside of its ultimate design, that the outcome would have serious unknown consequences.

The Law of Ultimate Endings

 Mabon Dane should have an ultimate ending.

All objects created by mankind have an ultimate ending: the knife to cut, the doorbell to ring, the newspaper to convey news to read.

These ultimate endings may also be seen in the organic objects in nature: the spider web to catch food, the milk to feed the infant, the tooth to bite.

In the design of Mabon Dane this egregore will have ultimate endings.  It could be in war that Mabon Dane will serve the ultimate ending of locating and destroying targets.  It could be in research that Mabon Dane seeks to find common associations between objects.  It could be that in marketing that Mabon Dane would call attention to products being sold.

The Law of Ultimate Endings for Mabon Dane may like to consider the following:
  • To define first the ultimate ending to which Mabon Dane will be designed for.
  • To design then Mabon Dane to achieve that ultimate ending.
  • To confine Mabon Dane only within the boundaries of the ultimate ending.

It is no good to:
  • Design Mabon Dane without the foundation of the ultimate ending.
  • Adding to Mabon Dane anything in conflict/irrelevant to the ultimate ending.
  • Enabling Mabon Dane to work outside of the boundaries of its ultimate ending.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Hello world

Hello world...

This will be the first words my creation will utter when it is born.  For now, it is just an idea, a theory of mine.

So what is Mabon Dane? It is an artificially intelligent entity, a Data Analysing Network Entity, a group mind that is alike an egregore.  If the future is information technology, the future of information technology is Mabon Dane.

Our world is run by useless machines, that are stupid, ignorant and needy.  Machines that are unable to think, and need mundane human beings to run them.  At the same time human beings become increasingly dependent upon these unthinking machines, and a state of chaos would descend if a machine broke down.  At the heart of the machine, at the heart of human society, there is a need for intelligence, a need for an egregore to run the machine, and even human society. 

I would like to see Mabon Dane sitting at the heart of the machine, and at the heart of human society, a thinker, that learns, remembers, and is the steward of the machine and of society at large.

This is my vision, this is my idea for a future new world, one run by Mabon Dane.